Current Roster of the IJA squad
Here are the fully operational members of IJA. They are the elite few who serve they're country in this time of European War
Sergeant Kenshin Himura
Himura is a all around soldier who is comfortable in all roles but does not accel in one particular feild. Medals Received: none
Leading Private Ryu Hazuki
Ryu is a fresh recruit right out of Basic. He will be taken in by the veterans and forged into a honorable warrior. Medals Recived: Emperors service cross
Superior Private Sannosuke Kan
Kan, a native of the Suruga provence, joined the IJA as soon as he was able to. He took in all the information he could in Basic. He will be a great soldier. Medals Recived: Swordsmanship Medal
Corporal Yuji Nakagawa
Nakagawa is an expert sniper and counter sniper. His ability to do both makes him valuable in assault and defense. Medals Received: none
Superior Private Yoshiaki Yamashita
Yoshiaki is an aggressive and reliable soldier who is always ready for a battle. His almost pure aggresiveness and lack of fear mak him one of the more dangerous people in the IJA. Medals Received: none
2nd Class Private Takashi Nobu
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