IJA Headquarters


Combat Photography

Feild Reports

Recruiting Station

Combat Tips

Active Roster

Decoration Room


Soldiers Journal

Equipment room


Reenacting a Japanese soldiers life
Sweat pours out from under your helmet. bullets whizz by, like screaming death. Those are not for you. You look over to your Captain in time to see a snipers bullet smash through his face and explode out the back of his helmet. His warm blood splashes across your face. You heart pounds in you chest as you hear the command.

"Fix Bayonets!"

Shaking, you reach your hand down to you scabbard and pull the bayonet out of it's resting place. You attempt to place the small sword on the end of your rifle but it slips off, you are shaking in fear. You sucessfully place the bayonet, say your prayers, and think of your home. Thoughts of childhood storys of samurais fill your mind. Your fear leaves you like dripping water.

"For the glory of Japan, CHARGE"

Filled with patriotism you fling yourself out of the mortar hole and charge screaming at teh enemy position. You see a soldier drop to your right, his body limp asa a rag doll. A few dozen bullets whizz by your head. "FOR JAPAN!" You scream as you fly down the feild, you dodge and jump over those who have fallen before you. You forget all fear and doubts as you strive to be the first into battle. You are so close now that you see the enemy in they're makeshift fortification firing at all the warriors racing twards them. This is it, antcipation swells in your chest as you leap over the sand bags and into the confused enemy below.

The Imperial Japanese Soldier
  Our Mission
We will, as a clan, strive to show the average DoD player how a Japanese soldier was. We will compete in tournements, clan matches, and ETO...time willing. We are constantly looking for new members. We will perform almost all activitys on the battlefeild as the Japanese did. Bayonet charges(1.3), using natural cover, swordsmanship(knifing) and anything else. I know that DoD is based in the European theatre but this is a game, anything can happen in a game. So have fun, and fight with honor. For Japan!
-Corporal Kenshin Himura

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