Imperial Japanese Army [IJA]
IJA Headquarters


Combat Photography

Feild Reports

Recruiting Station

Combat Tips

Active Roster

Decoration Room


Soldiers Journal

Equipment room

Welcome to the Imperial Japanese Army Headquarters
Greetings, and welcome to the Headquarters of the Imperial Japanese Army. We have recently sent our formal message welcoming those American dogs to the World War via our Imperial Navy. Our forces are solidly set in China, Manchuria, and many pacific islands. We are prepared for armed conflict with america and her allies. Our superior fighting spirit shall conquer any obstcal in our path. Fight On, To Victory!
Allied realism soundpack released!
The realism sound pack replaces all allied gun sounds with those of the real guns. it is 100% authentic and double checked for accuracy, you can pick it up in the equipment room.

Sergeant Kenshin Himura

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